Weekly Energy Forecast and Mini Reading
A big thank you to the Universe and my team for this week's message coming from Archangel Raphael. Notice this card is a number 6. Three weeks ago we started with a 4 card, last week was a 5 card and now a #6...loving this confirmation that we are moving forward on the highest good path, in ways we understand and align with!
Weekly Focus: ALL IS WELL
This week's energy forecast is presenting as GREEN indicating the loving energy of the HEART CHAKRA infusing us for the week.
The call to action this week is to actively pursue the thought patterns that support the energy of love, healing and highest good outcomes...freedom from worry is the name of the game! Even when we don't necessarily feel that way at first, by placing our awareness on our thoughts and shining our light on ones that aren't loving, we can then make the conscious choice to shift those thoughts.
Angel number 6 is one that helps us remember that thoughts are things and when we have lower vibrational ones, that will set the tone for what we receive. Staying in the flow requires you to think positive stay out of worry, and once you practice shifting your thoughts towards love and empowerment, it will become habit.
Call upon Archangel Raphael every day and ask for guidance on staying in the energy of your heart, which is pure love and sets the tone for expectancy of the highest good.
Here is our mantra to use all week:

"My mind reflects the limitless potential that exists in every moment and I am aligned with positive outcomes with this inspired thought."
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Much love and gratitude,
Need a boost? Clear your energy and align with healing and protection at www.chakratopia.com
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