Card of the Week: #1 Archangel Raziel The Magician
I am absolutely loving that this card came out of the deck for the weekly message. Eclipses are all about release, reset and new beginnings. But before you start new things, you have to start with a clean and empty vessel. Full Moons are perfect for clearing out all that no longer serves.
Shine your light on the people, behaviors, actions, situations, addictions and emotions that are not serving you. Write out your burn list, do not be afraid to own any of it! Simply list it all out on paper and know that if you are feeling the energy of release, it's to make room for better things. Don't second guess yourself.
This release work is powerful and the full moon and eclipse support the energy of fearlessly stepping out of something so you can step into the new energies.
Message for this week
Raziel is present to help you let go of the energy that is not working in your favor and then to go within, to see in your mind's eye and feel with your heart what you are ready to manifest.
See yourself happy, healthy and prosperous.
Sink into that feeling and ask yourself, "What do I want to do to create this version of me? What are my goals and intentions?"
Raziel will help you understand the energy behind your vision and they will help you gain an understanding of the journey you are to begin.
Write down these new goals, and if you are inclined, place your paper under your favorite crystal. Sit with that vision of yourself daily and research, make plans and take action in ways that bring in support.
New relationships, new habits and behaviors, new rituals...ask yourself what feels right, and do those things. You are your original spirit guide!
Call on your higher self daily and connect with this energy so you walk as one, a divinely guided spirit having a human experience.
You are an agent of magnificent change, seeing the grace in any moment and using your power to love fiercely and be present for yourself, others and the highest good, with flow and ease!
Much gratitude to you for reading this, I appreciate you!