~Letting Go of Fear~
This second week of August is very energized for forward momentum, but it may take a little practice and some nudging from your higher self.
Last week, with the full Super Moon in Aquarius, we aligned with creating space through compassionate release and powerful intention setting. This week, we have an energy forecast that addresses blockages that we may be experiencing.
(Angel Tarot Radleigh Valentine)
Have you made your list of new intentions, rituals, goals or simply disrupting the old behaviors that no longer serve?
Are feeling a little apprehensive, fearful, afraid of not accomplishing things or has your enthusiasm waned, lost your confident focus?
DON'T WORRY! Your soul's power and plan has everything in place to guide you through this part of your journey.
This week, Spirit is letting us know that your beliefs about yourself are powerful tools and these beliefs can block or can serve you.
If you feel anything other than strong, capable and confident, this is an illusion that you can move past, as many times per day as you need to.
Your ego likes the familiar, it likes to sabotage change. When you feel afraid of the unknown or the unfamiliar, that contrast can activate lack mentality and can take the wind out of your sails. Or that contrast can strike up curiosity, excitement and loads of adventurous energy!
The energy forecast this week is a gentle reminder on how to let go of fear and align with the power that you have in any moment. Each day, try these steps:
- call all the facets of your soul back to you each morning
- review your new intentions and your daily schedule, then
- close your eyes and place your focus on being on the other side of it, feeling totally empowered.
- see yourself excited, happy, joyfully getting through each day with curiosity and excitement.
Fear is an illusion, it's a frequency that exists to help you remember that you are connected to limitless power to heal, to thrive and to accomplish anything you set your mind to.
This is how you disarm the fear - believing in yourself, seeing yourself as through it and taking the steps fueled by the belief and the feeling.
Let the fear ignite a fire of excitement, joy and bravery!
There is nothing holding you back, the illusion of entrapment may feel strong until you shine your light on it and say,
"I am bigger than my fear. I can move through it totally empowered, with flow and ease, and deliver myself to the other side of any moment."
Also, remember to call on your divine helpers, teachers and angels each day - you are never alone and have the full support of the benevolent universe.
Much gratitude to you for reading this, I appreciate you!