Illuminate! Grief, Growth and Doggie Messages

Weekly Forecast & Message
Sept 10th - Sept 16th
Illuminate! is my way of sharing highest good information channeled from my team to help us navigate our week. 
We are given a focus that is empowering and will illuminate our path; to experience flow, ease, abundance and joy!
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Image by alan9187 from Pixabay  Superhero Illuminate! Weekly Guidance


~Accepting Heaven's Help~

We've had a rough week over here in the Tworek household.  Three weeks ago we found out our family dog of 12 years, Dingo, had cancer.  10 days later, she crossed the rainbow bridge, on Wednesday, September 6th.  Only 10 days from diagnosis, she was gone.  Devastated is an understatement.

Two days after she passed, I felt her little spirit nudge me to pick up a cute little deck of oracle cards that I rarely use:  Magical Mermaids and Dolphins.  This deck has such a playful and joyful vibe, just like our little Dingo.

After I did our group healing for grief, I drew a card:  Rest.  Permission to grieve, to lay our heads down and just be.

The next day I was impressed to draw again:  EmpowermentIt's safe for us to embrace our power and allow the healing.

The next day, a dear friend called me to tell me she had a distinct vision of Dingo on the beach, playing and full of joy and energy...confirmation on the mermaids and dolphins connection!

Thus, the Dingo message of the day is now a thing I share with my family each morning, drawing a card from the cute little deck.   Dingo wants us to know she is good and she is still with us in spirit.

This week, I am sharing with you the card I was given today:  ACCEPT HEAVEN'S HELP

 CARD of the WEEK

Accept Heaven's Help, Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards


The message and energy forecast this week is to remember that as soon as you ASK, the energy organizes for you to RECEIVE and you must be open to accepting the help you are given.

Dingo told us to rest, then she told us to stay empowered and now we are being guided to use inspired actions to accept the help we are being given, for our personal growth and healing.

Grief sucks, it's raw and mean and like a wild storm it tears through you with seemingly no end in sight.  And then it's gone, for a minute, and then the rain comes again.  It's important to feel it all, take the rain with the sun and eventually, that rain will stop washing you out.

Pray, ask for help and then lean on those people who are there for you.  Lean on the love that is in your heart to help yourself and be vulnerable with people you can trust.  This will fortify you in ways you can't even imagine. 

Also, remember to call on your divine helpers, teachers and angels each day - you are never alone and have the full support of the benevolent universe.   When you ask, be ready to accept the help

Much gratitude for reading this, I appreciate you!



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1 comment

Hi Dani,
I’m so sorry for your loss. We to are dealing with a lot right now in loss. My son had to put his beloved dog down yesterday and this morning we got word that his grandpa passed last night. So much sadness right now but so much to be thankful for in having the love and the memories of both Grandpa and Gus. My heart hurts but all will be well just as you said, it rains but the sun will be out . Allowing grief is important. Thank you for all your posts and my heart goes to you and your family.


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