~Honing in on the Important Stuff~
Change is in the air for all of us. Transformational energy is all around and within us; and Chakratopia is no exception.
My work here has evolved over all the years I've been in practice and the business has also become more of a calling than ever - less "businessy" and more focused on connecting with people who are seeking to activate deep healing.
As it happens, my personal life is expanding in ways that are bringing opportunity to work in other arenas and I'll be away from the desk more and out focusing on service in new ways.
What you can expect: More session based work from me and less social media and email interaction.
My gifts and expertise lie in remote healing and specifically through guiding your energy through Chakra Balancing, Super Healing and Custom Sessions.
I am here for you always, sessions are my passion and part of my soul's plan. Reach out anytime and I will be happy to customize some healing work for you.
Healing Sessions: Click Here

I wasn't sure how to relay this change so as always, I pulled a card and came up with Focus On Service!
There is so much going on in the world right now and it can be extremely overwhelming and worrisome to say the least. When you feel hopeless, focus on service. What can you do to help yourself and others? The smallest acts have major energetic effects. Be active in your service efforts, staying in a space of love and compassion.
It never ceases to amaze and delight me when the universe delivers the perfect message every time you ask!
Much gratitude to you for reading this, I appreciate you!