Illuminate! Law of Abundance & The New Moon

Weekly Messages for August 13th - August 19th
Illuminate! is my way of sharing highest good information channeled from my team to help us navigate our week. 
We are given a focus that is empowering and will illuminate our path; to experience flow, ease, abundance and joy!
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Image by alan9187 from Pixabay  Superhero Illuminate! Weekly Guidance



We have a new moon this week and my team felt it was a good time to remind everyone that the new moon is a great time to activate the law of abundance. 

In particular, this month's Leo new moon is delivering the energy of continually making space by releasing anything you don't feel is serving you any longer, and this will allow you the room for an infusion of gratitude and to align with abundance in all forms.

 CARD of the WEEK

Angel Tarot Archangel Raziel The Magician, Radleigh Valentine, Dani Tworek, Blog, Seattle
(Angel Tarot Radleigh Valentine)

The card I was given perfectly delivers the message as well:  You have the resources or the ability to manifest them!  

Thank you Spirit for delivering the card to confirm the message!   


Here is our energy forecast, a little refresher on the law of abundance and the new moon practice of writing abundance checks:

 Abundance is much more than's the energetic frequency of consciously being aligned with our Source energy.  

It's the conscious awareness that you are the physical manifestation of The Creator/Universe/Source/God's abundance and will, and thereby are forever connected to infinite amounts of abundance, because it is what you are made of.  
This is the Law of Abundance.

There are times in our life when we feel disconnected from our true and natural state of infinite abundance.  Sometimes we have trouble recognizing the support that comes from within and has manifested all around us. 

The New Moon is a great time to use a ritual that reminds us of and recharges our abundant nature.  The energy of the new moon can align our core energy to the as above, so below mentality, by acting as a reset to help us release all the psychic junk we've accumulated that creates separation from Source so we are free to re-connect with our infinitely abundant nature.

One way to do this is to write a Law of Abundance check with each New Moon.  I've been writing New Moon Abundance Checks since I had a checkbook, way back in 1986 when checkbooks were still a thing!  It was like a family event...Gram would call and remind Mom who would then tell my sister and I to get our checkbooks out.  

This is an exercise that connects your body, mind and spirit together in harmony with the law of abundance.  Each new moon period (up to 72 hours within), make a check out to yourself from the Bank of the Universe to fund your endeavors of your highest good!

Below is an example check - the blue parts are what you fill in each month.  You can use your own checks (we always did) or you can use the Free Printable Checks in my Free Resources.  


For extra support, I also offer a Crystal Power Pack for Abundance & Prosperity - carry it with you or use it ot make a grid.
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