Illuminate! Weekly Guidance for 12/5-12/10

The big energy that is grabbing my attention this week is the full moon on Wednesday, 12/7.

Full Moon in Gemini is Wednesday, December 7 at 8:08 PM Pacific Standard Time (MST).

Whenever we have a full moon, we are encouraged to shine a light on anything and everything.  This includes what and who is working for us in our life and what and who is no longer supporting our highest good intentions. 


My team of Spirit Guides, Angels and helpers are always there for me.  I pull cards several times per week for guidance and inspiration and meditate to align with higher guidance.  Illuminate! is my way of sharing highest good information channeled to help you navigate your week with a focus that is empowering and will illuminate your path, to experience flow, ease, abundance and joy!

Welcome to Illuminate!, Week 2

Image by alan9187 from Pixabay  Superhero Illuminate! Weekly Guidance


Weekly Channeled Messages of Empowerment from Dani

My team is giving me the focus words for this week and they are:  Moving Forward

This week's energy forecast is presenting as red.  And by red I mean there are strong BASE CHAKRA vibes permeating all we do think and say. 

The full moon energy is shining it's light on our lives to help us clearly see that there is nothing in our way.  We are ready to move forward in the ways we have been working on and are really coming into our own. 

To understand what's working and what need some closure, Spirit suggests journaling around the time of the full moon - simply ask yourself what is flow and ease in your life and what is creating congestion.

The moon lights the path, we can confidently take the steps forward.  Anything that needs closure for you to gain momentum is encouraged as well as allowing the natural inspiration you've been feeling permeate your frequency of inspired action.  Remember that full moons cast shadows and it's OK to contemplate what's not working - so you can address it accordingly.  

 Here is our mantra to use all week:

Chakra Balancing Mantra Meditate Affirmations

"I move forward, the light of my soul's plan empowers and guides me; always moving towards joy and love. "


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Much love and gratitude,


Need a boost?  Clear your energy and align with healing and protection at

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