Vibe Check: Major Contentment & Abundance

Feelings of Completion & Contentment
July 14 - July 20, 2024
Greetings Kindred Spirits!
I think the number 4 is my favorite number and when I pull 4's in readings, the cards are always so supportive and grounding!
Card of the Week:  FOUR of FIRE
Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine

The energy vibe for this week is brought to us by the Four of Fire.  Fire cards deal with passion, work, creativity, compassion, sacral chakra energy, and they are very actionable.  Combining this with the angel number 4, we get a loving message of support and the energy of closure, peace, completion and alignment with all forms of abundance.

Take a few moments this week to say a prayer of closure and thanks for things you can successfully close the door on now.  Anything you've achieved in body, mind or spirit can be acknowledged with joy.

Now, sit with the feeling of being in this moment.  Feel the love and compassion you have for your journey and for your entire whole self.  Let this feeling wash over you and genuinely be present.  Sit with it.  

Try to do this daily, thinking of things and situations you are happy to have completed and notice what begins to show up for you.  You will notice gifts of time, effort, money, opportunity and unexpected kindness.  This is your limitlessly abundant energy radiating from you soul.  Notice all the forms of abundance in your life!

And just like our life review from last week, doing this little ritual generates a huge amount of joy from within when we acknowledge our efforts, and aligns us with our strengths for future endeavors.

Have an amazing week!

In love and infinite gratitude,



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