Clarity through Lightness
June 23-29, 2024
Greetings Kindred Spirits!
Can you believe it's the last week of June already?!?
The first half of 2024 is over and it's time to celebrate the wins and activate the momentum to finish out the month strong, with clear vision and planning, to carry you through the second half of the year.
Card of the Week: Two of Earth
Are you feeling pressure? Feel like time is running out? Feeling guilt or anything other than gratitude or celebratory energy? This is your call to fully release all that is not love for your journey! It you feel like you've gotten yourself into a tangled mess of commitments, energy leaks or unfinished projects...this message is for you!
End of June Vibe Check & Message from Spirit:
Open your heart up and give yourself a big hug for all the work you've done so far in 2024. Next, embrace your boundless potential with love and excitement! Now, close your eyes and and ask yourself, "what are the 3 things to focus on this summer for my highest good?" and go with the answers you get. The answers will come quick and they will feel radiant. This is the clarity you need, the stuff that is fun and expansive and feels exciting. Everything else can wait. Start making your plans!
Use the long days and bright mornings of summer to exercise commitment to your goals and projects. Create a schedule, know that it is easy to stick to because you are VISUALIZING yourself as on the other side of things every day.
You are limitless by design,
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